Freedom From Religion: Buddhism Wins Best Religion in the World Award
Religious groups against violence during Gadhimai festival
Ipswich Buddhist Centre and its take on Hollywood
The 7th V-Star Day
The 7th V-Star Day to celebrate the 2,600th Anniversary of the Enlightenment of the Lord Buddha on Saturday December 8th, 2012. V-Star children - You are the youth leaders of the World Morality Restoration!!
Dhammachai Dhutanga 2012
Why do we arrange this dhutanga? Who will get the benefit from it? Who participate to arrange it?
Religions for Peace
Our global community is comprised of people seeking refuge in various faiths. For the most part, the founder of each religion – be it Buddhism, Christianity,
The First Dhamma Seminar for OBEC, Thailand
It is wonderful news for Thai children when Education Minister and his team realize the importance of Dhamma. Thai education will be brighter and brighter when teachers become the merit models for their students.
The 6th V-Star Challenge Day 2012
Another day for children who love to do good deeds. We call them "V-Star Children."
Press Conference of the Morning Alms Round at Terminal 21 Shopping Mall
The participants of the Morning Alms Round at Terminal 21 Shopping Mall unveil in the press conference about this activity. The Morning Alms Round will be held on July 7th, 2012.
กลุ่มผู้นำลูกเสือ Explorer Scout Leader ร่วมฝึกสมาธิ ณ วัดพระธรรมกายลอนดอน
กลุ่มผู้นำลูกเสือ Explorer Scout Leader ได้นำสมาชิกลูกเสือรุ่นใหญ่มาเรียนรู้การฝึกสมาธิและความรู้ในพระพุทธศาสนา ณ วัดพระธรรมกายลอนดอน ประเทศอังกฤษ